My staistician was a dissertation angel.

Jenna MoPh.D., Psychology

Academic Services Overview

Our analysts come from some of the best graduate schools in the country, and are adept at navigating the proposal, research, and publication processes. As professionals and researchers ourselves, we keep up to date with cutting edge statistical method, such as lasso & ridge regression, bootstrapping, power analysis, and hierarchical linear models. In addition, we participate in the “transparent science” movement through the open science framework by pre-registering publishable experiments and curbing the “filing drawer” problem responsible for chance findings emerging as significant results withing the scientific community. 

Concept Assistance 

Our ability to help you succeed as a researcher begins from the very beginning – conceptualizing your research question and they ultimate hypothesis you would like to answer. We can help you sift through what’s known about your topic to create something novel and compelling around the topic or idea you’d like to own as an researcher. Once we’ve helped you identify your niche, we can help you craft the methodology for your particular project, be it a survey, an experiment, or archival research piece. We offer comprehensive assistance to graduate students and researchers – from square one and onward.

Survey & Experimental Design 

Once you have a solid perspective on what you’re trying to study or show, the next step is to choose the best available experimental design for your particular project or study. This is done by considering your specific hypothesis and population of interest. We design powerful experiments by soundly establishing validity – making sure your study accurately captures what it’s intended to capture. This is done by: 

  • establishing content validity, or whether the content of the test is sampled appropriately for the purposes of your particular test. 
  • testing for criterion-related validity – the extent to which we can not just accurately model, but then use the models to make real-world predictions. 
  • establishing construct validity – that is, making sure your measures of a concept are actually capturing the concept of interest, rather than some related by different concept. To do this, we establish discriminant validity – the extent to which your variables can be distinguished from possible confounding others, and convergent validity – making sure your measures of your variables are strongly related to each other, similar variables. These types of validity are core of a sound experimental design.

Statistical Analyses

Our analysts have a mastery of almost every kind of analyses within the general academic realm. We can run the full spectrum of different analyses, but some of our most typical requests include: 

  • T-testing
  • Multiple/Logistic/Multinomal Regression
  • Non-parametric Testing (Chi-square)
  • Poisson Modeling
  • Generalized Linear Modeling
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Hierarchical Linear Modeling
  • Reliability Analysis
  • Power Analysis
  • Variance and Linear transformations

In addition, for more involved projects we help clients perform a process of triangulation – using different methods to reveal a phenomenon through multiple lenses, in essence, to combat biases associated with common method variance. Our job isn’t done until you feel complete until you feel completely comfortable with your results and your ability to interpret them. Unlike other consulting firms, we work to empower our clients to master their analyses – and we never “cut off” our clinets after an analysis is complete. We’ll work with you every step of the way and are always responsive to your questions and concerns. 

Dissertation Coaching

For graduate students, conducting research is often for the purpose of partial fulfillment of a doctoral or masters degree, and we understand that in these cases the ultimate goal is satisfying the requirements of your particular chair or committee. As both big-picture thinkers and real world pragmatists, we work closely with clients to focus our analyses and provide context and interpretation that fits your ultimate goal of graduating. We understand the kinds of questions reviewers and committee members are likely going to ask, and work diligently to prepare you for them. Obviously, we (or anyone) cannot explicitly guarantee that you will pass a dissertation defense. Having said that, none of the graduate students we have consulted with have ever failed their dissertation, and we don’t plan to have that happen, ever. 

Manuscript Review 

We are all published researchers and understand first hand how to navigate the peer review process. As such, we can help you write the various sections (Introduction, Methods, Results, etc.) of manuscripts, in ways that anticipate and address reviewer comments.